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For those who dare to take action, because you know you're destined for more...

The High Performance Community Logo


Forbes Life Coach
NY Weekly
USA TODAY Vin Infante

Have you ever struggled to achieve your goals? Build massive momentum to achieve lasting change? Find the right community of people to travel through life with? Or even just have trouble finding the right place to start? This is the community for you to alleviate confusion and commit to action! 


The High Performance Community is a powerful community led by Licensed Psychotherapist & Mental Performance coach Vin Infante. Vin has over 13 years in mental health, has worked with thousands of people and currently is a top coach for entrepreneurs, business owners, companies, and influential individuals. In the HPC you will have a powerful opportunity to learn directly from Vin and the experts in his circle on the best ways to master your life and business. You can join today with Vin’s most affordable program and offer! The best part?


The best results that Vin has seen in his clients have always come from the ones who wanted to take action, and knew they were destined for more, just like you. 


You don’t need to be a high achieving executive or entrepreneur to tap into your ultimate potential and live a life unleashed. All you need is the desire to take action and the commitment to show up to make it happen!


It’s not magic, it’s a proven process, developed over years of unwavering dedication to human psychology and personal development. Vin takes the processes he does with his premium 1-1 coaching clients and breaks them down into true coachable moments for all those involved in the High Performer Community. 


Why This Program Was Created and Why Now is The Time to Join

​I’ve been helping people achieve transformation for over a decade and most of it has been through 1-1 psychotherapy and coaching sessions. However with a mission to impact over a billion people, 1-1 just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I also know how hard and scary it can be to invest in yourself, especially if you’re new to self development. 


With so many coaches, therapists, mentors, and programs out there you’re probably feeling like what is the right place to start, and what’s the right amount to invest? With this program you can join virtually risk free! It’s created to be affordable enough for anyone to join and powerful enough to keep bringing value for many months and even years to come! 


In life it’s so easy to fall behind without the right guidance. Without a proper plan of action, and reinforcement to work towards the things we say we want, it’s easy to get lost. As easy as it is to do what you need, it’s even easier to not do the things you should be doing to advance your life or business. 


Rest assured in this community I’ll be sharing tons of knowledge, offering on the spot live coaching opportunities, and sharing my network of friends and business associates to give you powerful tools and tricks that they’ve learned too! This is a no-brainer for anyone looking to get massive value with a small investment cost. If you’re new to self development or have been working on yourself for a while, this community will bring value to you at any stage.


I’d love for you to join me and I hope to see you in the community, we’re all waiting to meet you! 



Success = Consistent effort 


High performers know the road to success takes effort, time, and consistency. As Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” In keeping true to these wise words, everyday we must strive to become the best version of ourselves as that is what excellence is; a reflection of who we are day in and day out. Our identities are only highlighted by our behaviors which shape our habits, ultimately leading us to the life we are living. 


Everyday we determine the quality of our lives by our choices. Belonging to a powerful community with other like minded high performers can only push us further and faster to achieve at levels we thought previously impossible. Embrace the journey, make high performing friends, and achieve greatly. 


In this community you’ll receive consistent training and accountability as well as have the potential to make some amazing friends that can last a lifetime! 




The 5 Powerful Benefits of Joining The Community

Group Coaching

​1. 4x a month live coaching sessions from Vin himself. 


Vin will join you live, 4x a month, (That’s right 52 coaching sessions a year!) and you’ll have an opportunity to be personally coached by him in the comfort of your own home. Every single week Vin will bring answers to the biggest questions you may have about life and business. And provide help as you navigate the challenges and opportunities of life. Providing new insights and perspectives to old issues. For 1 hour a week you can have Vin on your phone, or in your home, you will always have access! You will have the ability to ask questions live for practical answers & action steps, an opportunity usually only reserved for Vin’s private clients, now made accessible to everyone.


2. Monthly Expert interviews 


No one has become successful alone, we all need a team at our back to help push us forward in the face of adversity, or lift us up when we feel down. Vin will have powerful members of his network come in and teach you as he interviews them once a month to bring you new insights to challenges that we all face in life and business. With a vast network the range of experiences these powerful entrepreneurs will bring to this community is invaluable. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask the experts questions live to enhance your life and business, so tune in and fire away those burning questions you may have that need answering.




3. Access to the coaching community


The ability to navigate the challenges of life are always made easier when you have people that are on the same journey as you. As each person faces adversity in their own way, feeling that you have the support of others is a breath of fresh air when facing life's biggest challenges. In this community you’ll have access to the private facebook group which will be filled with other high performing action takers like you! You’ll be able to potentially make friends for life, find accountability partners, or even just gain support from other like minded people. The possibilities are endless, always remember you get out what you put into it! So be active, be engaging and make yourself known! 



4. Recorded calls for you to keep for life!


Each and every call will be recorded; you'll never have to worry about missing a single piece of information due to the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Whether you have children, family obligations, work, relationships that need tending to, or just some well deserved down time, you will never have to miss a coaching call with each one recorded and emailed directly to you weekly! Review at your leisure and get the most out of each call, whether you’re there or not. 


​5. Daily mindset and momentum building text messages direct to your phone.


Have you ever blankly stared at your phone wishing someone would say the right thing at the right time, without you asking for the words you need to hear? Well each day Vin will send out a momentum building message directly to your phone. As we go through the ups and downs in life it can often be the smallest reminder, such as a text message that brings us back to reality, reminds us how powerful we are, and recalibrates our day or week for us. Joining into the HPC means you’ll be subscribed to messages tailored to helping you get the most out of your experiences in life. Vin personally writes these messages in the hopes that you will always feel supported on your journey in life. 

Together at the Top

The High Performance Community is Perfect For Those Who are Seeking..

1.  Pursue Lifelong Goals

Goals can be daunting if you’re taking them on alone, when you join the HPC, your goals become ours and we all succeed together.


2. Beat Your Limiting Beliefs

The only limitations we have in life are the ones we create. Learn the best strategies to master your mindset and defeat limitations.


3. Build a Powerful Identity

We have a strong tendency to act in alignment to who we believe ourselves to be. Learn how to build the most empowering version of yourself as you soar to new levels in life. 


4. Lead a Life of alignment and Purpose

You don’t need to be a multimillionaire to find purpose, you just need to learn what truly fills you up and makes you feel complete, learn how to 


5. Enhance your Mental, Emotional, & Physical wellness

Success is found in the middle of the triangle that is your holistic health, find new strategies to live an enhanced healthy lifestyle, reigniting energy and invigorating your vitality. 


6. Accelerate Life & Business Growth

The ability to accelerate comes from learning the proper strategies, it isn’t about how hard you work, it’s about how smart you work. 


7. Master Your Mindset

Mindset isn’t everything, but it does impact everything, learn how to master your mindset, change your perspective, and experience your new life for the first time.


8. Unlock your Inner Leader

Leadership isn’t a title or position, it’s a way of life. Learn how to show up powerfully in each role you hold to truly become a leader in your circle.


9. Become Unbreakable in the Face of Adversity

What if you could feel completely confident, grounded and certain in the face of the world’s hardships? HPC will show you the way to stay confident even in the most difficult situations life can throw at you. 

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Join The High Performer Community Today

the change you want in your life is just a click a way

  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
    Over a $5,000 value
    • Live coaching 40 times a year
    • Expert guests 12 times per year
    • Weekly motivational messages
    • Access to other High Performers
    • Billed monthly, cancel anytime

Cancel anytime, no questions asked, if the first 30 days haven't provided you any value at all, we'll give you your investment back for a full refund

Join the community
Vin Infante.jpg

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We want the High Performer Community to be your favorite place to grow personally and professionally. Our value is to serve you at the absolute highest level of service and quality. If you aren’t completely satisfied with our efforts within the first 30 days of your membership you can cancel at any time by reaching out to our support team to request a full refund with no questions asked. After all, we don’t believe in having you pay for something you see no value in, most importantly we want people here who see the value in our services. Our top priority is making sure this service feels aligned for you.

Are You Finally Done Sitting On The Sidelines Watching Life Pass You By, Wondering When It Will Be Your Turn?

Take a moment to visualize the thing you want most in life, whether it’s personal or business related, and then imagine you’ve achieved it. 


How does that make you feel? Are you excited? Joyful? Grateful? How does it feel to know you’ve committed to something and you’ve finally achieved it? 


I bet it feels amazing. 


You’re finally in a space where you’ve been able to consciously create the life you want to have as opposed to passively experiencing it. 


You’re no longer letting the world, others, or negative emotions drive your decision making process. You’ve grabbed the wheel and are taking the direction of your life FULLY into your hands. 


Now imagine you don’t need to just visualize this moment…



You Can Begin Experiencing This Moment On The Other Side Of This Sign Up Button!


It’s time to start living to your highest potential. 


It’s time to start experiencing the life you know you’re capable of living.


No matter how hard life may seem, how impossible the odds…


Once you begin to change yourself, the rest of the world follows.


You no longer need to feel that life is hopeless or you’re stuck with no way out.


You’ll never be alone, always surrounded by like minded people pushing to be their best selves too!


Commit today and start separating yourself from those who wish life would change, and step into the category of those who make life change! 


Begin learning the tools, strategies, processes and gather the information you need to stay ahead of the times. 


It’s time to take action, it’s time to create the life you deserve, but most importantly, it’s time to unleash your potential! 


So what are you waiting for!? 


Join the High Performing Community today!

Vin Infante Life Coach

Who is Vin Infante?

Vin Infante is a licensed psychotherapist, mental performance coach & entrepreneur. He’s been featured in Forbes, USA Today, NY weekly, NY Today, Entrepreneur and more for his unique hybrid approach bridging the gap between therapy, mentoring, and coaching in transformational practices with clients. He has helped thousands of people as a therapist, coach, mentor, and speaker. Working with high performing individuals Vin has helped people step into their most powerful version of themselves to achieve more than they ever thought possible. For more than a decade many people have been drawn to the humor, knowledge and transformational power of working with Vin in all of his capacities. Vin’s mission is to impact 1 billion lives and he hopes for the opportunity to add you to that number!  

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the high performance community? 


The High Performance Community is a space for high achieving, growth minded individuals who want to create massive momentum in their life or business. As a member you’ll gain access to Vin Infante, a top mental performance coach in the industry, a peer support community, experts from around the globe specializing in multiple industries and much more! 


How often does Vin do live coaching Sessions? 


Live coaching takes place every week and once a month for vin to invite an expert to join the community for that day to inform and educate on their specific industry to provide even more value to each member in the community. You will always have an opportunity to ask questions and get them answered live during the coaching calls. 


Are there replays if I miss the live session? 


Yes! Replays of each session will be sent to you via email. You can watch at your pace, and best of all it will always be available for you to go back to! 


How much notice do I need to cancel my membership?


None. You can cancel at any time and the next installment will not be charged to your card. You can finish out the time remaining in your month and then go on your way worry free.


Can I get a refund?


Vin truly wants the high performance community to be one of your best resources. If you feel after the first 30 days that it isn’t providing enough value to you, we’d be happy to provide you with a full refund, no questions asked. All you need to do is reach out to customer support and it will be handled right away. Our aim is to provide you with massive value, if we can’t deliver, you shouldn’t have to pay. Simple as that.


How do I connect with the community, and where are they located?


You can connect with your community via whatsapp. There is a network of other high performers like yourself who you can connect with, network with, and learn from within the confines of this community. Get curious about others and go make some connections, don’t be shy! We encourage you to reach out and meet other members, begin building genuine connections, and cultivate friendships as you never know who you’ll meet! Instructions on how to join the whatsapp will be sent to your email once you join!

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